Hi, I'm Karen Steele! I created this site to pay tribute to the fabulous Gloria Stavers, and as a meeting place for all of us who fondly remember those groovy "16" days. Why me? Good question! The only answer I have is, I'd been looking for a website like this for years, and was disappointed in the absence of biographical material on this enigmatic woman who was so influential in pop culture. I didn't see a good reason to wait until someone else decided to do it. It's been 50 years!! The time is way overdue to get some recognition for Gloria's contributions, and I want to create an unofficial archive of her life and times. I'm new to this and may not have the best tech skills, but I hope my enthusiasm will make up for that!
This site is intended to entertain and discuss topics that I consider relevant. I ask that you use the Golden Rule when posting comments. This is a non-commercial site, and (in classic 16 Magazine style) I will not incorporate ads. You know where to buy stuff ... let's just have some fun!
GloriaStavers.com is created for fan enjoyment only. No copyrights were intentionally infringed upon in the creation of this website. Copywright owners who object to item use may contact me for immediate removal.